
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Reverse Grip Sword Cut

On one of the forums I regularly visit there is a bit of controversy about the practicality of a reverse grip sword cut (not that swords are very practical in this day & age anyhow). Quite a few of the forumites claim that reversing your grip on a sword is only appropriate for knives or Zatoichi :)

And along comes Renfield Kuroda, a JSA practitioner from Japan to prove that if you think a reverse grip sword cut doesn't work you're totally wrong. Check out that set and feel free to share your thoughts.


Anonymous said...

I prefer the reverse grip myself, I practice the 'style' casually and use it in fun sparring with friends. When you get used to it, it's not much different than the traditional grip.

Anonymous said...

Great blog as for me. It would be great to read more about that matter. Thank you for posting this information.
Joan Stepsen
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