Here's the second installment of my aikido shodan test at Aikido of Maine. I really enjoyed the bokken kata towards the end of the video. Check it out and enjoy!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
My Shodan Test - part 2 of 2!
Posted by
M. Tuttle
6:50 AM
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
High Speed Internet might make blogging more tolerable
I know it's not a huge deal, but a slow internet connection can really through a wrench in the gears of my web design, multiple blogs, video uploading, and for those of you who take part in it, online gaming. Today I was reading some stuff on the Ultra60 Information Page, which isn't terribly informative despite the title. They do give you a toll free number and hype up the service which is 60Mbps! That's right 60Mbps. Just imagine what you could do on a connection like that!
So, how do you take part or sign up? Give the Charter toll free line a call from the info page. Or, wait I could just give it to you right here : 877-959-1627. Just give them a call to see the 60Mbps internet service is avalable in your area. You might also follow Charter’s Twitter Feed for news and updates, but I'm not sure how helpful the Twitter thing will be.
Posted by
M. Tuttle
3:56 AM
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
My Shodan Test!
So, after much time and effort, here's part 1 of 2 of my shodan test!
Though the video took me a while (3 months) to edit and upload to Youtube, it was definitely worth it! Thanks to Gary and Anya of Aikido of Maine for allowing me to take my test in Portand and many thanks to the dojo members who came out to help me train for the test! Ok, check it out and let me know what you think.
Posted by
M. Tuttle
11:07 AM
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Organics may need our help!
Some of you may have already seen the article in the Washington Post article, "Purity of Federal 'Organic' Label is Questioned. If you haven't, read the article and then check out this letter being sent out by Christine Bushway calling for bloggers to get on board to support the great organic products we all love.
By now many of you have read the Washington Post article, "Purity of Federal 'Organic' Label is Questioned," published July 3, 2009. This article, which is being picked up in other print and online publications, focused on old news and urban legends and chose to reinforce rhetoric that is not only inaccurate but serves a narrow agenda whose motivations went unquestioned in the article
OTA, on behalf of its members, immediately refuted the Post article with a full media alert. OTA has contacted the top editors at the Washington Post directly and worked through the holiday weekend to get our message out in the blogosphere and on-line derivative coverage. The Washington Post article was published in the Los Angeles Times, was the second most read article on the Nation section of the Post web site, the most e-mailed article on the Post web site, and author Kimberly Kindy has been hitting the radio circuit doing interviews.
This is a serious attack on the integrity of organic farmers and processors and has resulted in consumer mistrust of organic products. The Post article generated over 200 comments to their website with a dizzying array of primarily negative reactions. If ever there were a time for the industry to rally together, now is that time. OTA will keep the membership apprised of its actions to counter this attack, and will alert you to ways you can help.
Currently there is unprecedented opportunity to further the development of organic agriculture worldwide, for the betterment of the planet and our collective futures. For instance in the United States, we are seeing support from the Obama Administration with key appointments at USDA filled by those who understand organic agriculture and with increased organic funding that will reach historic levels in this year's budget appropriations. In addition, consumers, despite a tough economy, continue to support organic and value its place in a healthy future. This should be a time to expand the demand for organic products and move the industry forward in a positive direction.
However, this opportunity is now also at significant risk.
The "circular firing squad" that exists within the organic community is destructive. It is counterproductive for industry organizations to pit one "type of organic" against another, and a fallacy to believe that airing these internal battles will achieve anything but a discrediting of the value of organic agriculture and products overall. If anything, it provides further fodder for opportunistic negative journalism.
Every time we engage destructive tactics, or support those that do, we only confuse policy makers and reduce the likelihood of much-needed government support for organic agriculture. Mixed messages force officials to move on to issues and agendas from industries that have clear goals and asks. We also confuse the consumers who are looking earnestly to make good choices for their families and the environment, particularly during this time of heightened price consciousness.
Who wins when we point fingers at each other? I predict it won't be anyone within the organic sector, including consumers.
I ask you, now more than ever, to get behind your trade association and speak with one voice about the integrity and benefits of organic agriculture and products. Let's all take the big view and higher road in the months to come. It is critical to the future of our industry.
Posted by
M. Tuttle
3:47 AM